Delish Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake #TheCakeSliceBakers
Are you a "vegetables-in-cake" kind of person? I haven't met many people who dislike carrot cake, but I know LOTS of people who hate zucchini cakes and breads. Maybe it's the green specks, I don't know. It's been years several ago, but (in an attempt to get ANY kind of veggies into my toddlers) I made some chocolate zucchini muffins. My (then 3-year-old) daughter took one bite, winced, and told me in all earnestness, "Mom... this tastes-es like junk." And that was the end of zucchini muffins for her. Or zucchini cake. Or zucchini anything. Until now. When I saw this choice out of the August Cake Slice Bake options, I decided to give it another go. And in true sneaky mom fashion, I didn't tell her it had zucchini in it. Heck, it says "delish" in the recipe--so I figured it was worth a shot. This zucchini cake is baked in a 9x5" loaf pan and comes together quite easily (only 2 bowls). The recipe calls for tossing the finely shredd