Delish Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake #TheCakeSliceBakers

 Are you a "vegetables-in-cake" kind of person?

I haven't met many people who dislike carrot cake, but I know LOTS of people who hate zucchini cakes and breads. Maybe it's the green specks, I don't know.

It's been years several ago, but (in an attempt to get ANY kind of veggies into my toddlers) I made some chocolate zucchini muffins. 

My (then 3-year-old) daughter took one bite, winced, and told me in all earnestness, "Mom... this tastes-es like junk." And that was the end of zucchini muffins for her. Or zucchini cake. Or zucchini anything.

Until now.

When I saw this choice out of the August Cake Slice Bake options, I decided to give it another go. And in true sneaky mom fashion, I didn't tell her it had zucchini in it. 

Heck, it says "delish" in the recipe--so I figured it was worth a shot.

This zucchini cake is baked in a 9x5" loaf pan and comes together quite easily (only 2 bowls).

The recipe calls for tossing the finely shredded zucchini in the flour mix, which I thought was a really smart idea. It helped to disperse the zucchini evenly throughout the cake-- avoiding zucchini blobs that would UNDOUBTEDLY cause my daughter to turn up her nose.

The cake was moist, filled with warm spices, and was lovely with a cup of coffee.

Did my daughter like it? 

Well... not really. 

But the other kids did. I'll take that as a win.

So give this chocolate chip zucchini cake a try! It may or may not win zucchini haters over, but I thought it was delish :)

Delish Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake

From The Cake Book by Rebecca Firth

2 cups zucchini, finely shredded
1 cup sugar
10 T room temp butter
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
2 large eggs, room temp
1 T vanilla
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp sea salt
3/4 cup water (room temp)
3/4 cup mini chocolate chips (+ 1/4 cup for garnish)

Heat the over to 350F. Grease a 9x5" loaf pan, and line with parchment paper (let the excess hang over the long sides of the pan). Press the grated zucchini on several layers of paper towels to absorb the excess moisture. 

In a stand mixer, beat the sugar, butter, cinnamon, and nutmeg until light and fluffy (4-5 minutes). Add the eggs one at a time on low speed. Scrape the sides of the bowl, add the vanilla, and make sure everything is combined. 

In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, and baking powder. Toss the shredded zucchini in the flour mix to coat. Add the flour mix to the butter mix in three additions-- alternating with the water. When the batter is barely mixed, add the chocolate chips and fold in with as few strokes as possible.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan, and evenly sprinkle the 1/4 cup of chocolate chips over the top.

Bake 55-60 minutes, or until golden and puffy. Allow the cake to cool for 30 minutes in the pan, then run a butter knife along the edge and use the parchment to lift the cake out of the pan.

Finish cooling on a wire rack.

Enjoy :)

Each month The Cake Slice Bakers are offered a selection of cakes from the current book we are baking through. This year it is The Cake Book: Beautiful Sweet Treats for Every Craving by Rebecca Firth. We each choose one cake to bake, and then on the 20th - never before - we all post about our cake on our blogs. There are a few rules that we follow, but the most important ones are to have fun and enjoy baking & eating cakes!

Follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest pages where you can find all of our cakes, as well as inspiration for many other cakes. You can also click on the links below to take you to each of our cakes. If you have a blog and are interested in joining The Cake Slice Bakers and baking along with us, please send an email to thecakeslicebakers at gmail dot com for more details.

The Cake Slice Bakers also have a new Facebook group called The Cake Slice Bakers and Friends. This group is perfect for those who do not have a blog but want to join in the fun and bake through this book.

It is a new year and a new book - The Cake Book: Beautiful Sweet Treats for Every Craving - and our choices for August 2024 were ~

Delish Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake
Blackberry-Lime Breakfast Cake
Fresh Raspberry Brownie Bake Alaska


  1. Your daughter must have a very good palate. I am able to sneak stuff in for my family on a regular basis LOL.

  2. Well you won one over! Your daughter has quite the discerning taste buds! Great cake and looks super chocolatey.

  3. Whoa, all those chocolate chips! Looks terrific.


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